AT Last : The podcast of Geek Girl Speak! goes LIVE!! ONLY at Armageddon Expo Saturday October the 18th at 1.30-2.30 pm
Here it is LIVE on stage with The Ladies of the Nerd: Laura Crawford, Jen Cummings, Lisa-Skye, Dr Emma Beddows and Sonja Hammer !
BELOW, Left to Right: Jen Cummings, Laura Crawford, Sonja Hammer,Dr Emma Beddows and Lisa-Skye on stage Melbourne Showgrounds, Saturday October the 18th at Armageddon Expo 2014
The panel focuses on the positive aspect of girl geek culture…and it’s a wonderful way to start. Also, it’s a way to reclaim the space, to define it at something positive and empowering rather than something negative and fraught with issues. The ladies talk about role models that are female like everyone’s favourite Dana Scully/GillianAnderson, Buffy and Faith from Buffy The Vampire Slayer Zoe and Inara from Serenity and Firefly to Veronica Mars, Orphan Black, Felicia Day, The Soska Twins, ALL the women of Orange is the New Black to real life role models as like that of Anita Sarkeesian and even more wonderful was the eagerness of the audience to include their faves too! What were their choices?
Well, you need to listen to this podcast to find OUT!
Yes, it’s a celebration of women in geekdom, it’s fun to talk about and share the females characters and real life people we admire without the fear of talking about the serious issues as well like sexism, inequality and misogyny in POP Culture today!!
‘Gaming — or at least who plays video games — is quickly changing, though. According to the Entertainment Software Association, 48 percent of game players in the United States are women, a figure that has grown as new opportunities to play games through mobile devices, social networks and other avenues have proliferated. Game developers, however, continue to be mostly male: In a survey conducted earlier this year by the International Game Developers Association, a nonprofit association for game developers, only 21 percent of respondents said they were female.‘
We hope you enjoy this podcast of the LIVE podcast ! The VIDEO is on it’s way so STAY POSTED!
LINKS of interest:
Thanks go to all on the Panel: Lisa-Skye, Dr Emma Beddows, Laura Crawford, Jen Cummings.
Thanks to assistants for today : Chloe Stannard and Sebastian Mittelman Cheers peoples!
Thanks to Scott Liston and Locky and Chris Brennan and all the publicists from Armageddon 2014
Thanks also to Kyle Evans, Sci-Fi and Squeam team and JOY 949