Episode # 283 Tuesday August the 18th 2015 at 10pm in the JOY studios Melbourne Town.
In the studio Sonja-The Squeamer-Hammer is joined with fellow Seekers of The Geek : John Richards and Petra Elliott from Splendid Chaps talking about Night Terrace LIVE! Adele Scott from Feminerd and the Random Geeks Girls return for more RANDOMNESS in the Geeksverse and much MORE!
So listen if you must all about Night Terrace going it LIVE in front of a ‘studio audience’ on September the 12th for a special recording of their fabulous podcasts and….Adele Scott talks about being something called Feminerd a feminist: ‘one woman show, FEMINERD explores the issues that women face within nerd culture, now that being a geek is cool. Filled with original songs from Australian artists, Directed by Benjamin McKenzie and Musical Direction by Caleb Garfinkel, Adele navigates stories of bullying, sexism, love, hope and lightsabers with wit, charm and a whole lot of love.’
So this week it’s all the Geek you could handle from Night Terrace to Feminerd to Randomness with Kyjey and Trance to Yoda Boobs to Waterworld as best film ever(?!) to Olivia Newton John and a little Dr Who to boot!
Thanks to Clayton Wimshurst for the editing of this podcast
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