No ‘Offing’ here !! The Squeamer has the great Joy to meet and chat to Erin Gray AKA Colonel Wilma Deering from Buck Rogers in the 25th century!!
Erin was in Melbourne for a one off mini convention through the First Contact Conventions team.
As a Strong Female Character a pioneering one at the time in the 1970′s on Buck Rogers, Erin kicked alien and human butt, but there were changes by the 2nd season but still however she was a proud icon for females on television during that early age!
Erin recollects on the TV show and at same time remembers the tight spandex and how she contributed to change, but also she discusses how some things haven’t improved as much as they could do. Her and The Squeamer dissect a bit of current movie culture and the lack of strong women in movies today and the Joss Whedon disappointment ( The Avengers ) but countering with the success and strength on the other hand of modern role models like Felicia Day ( one of her clients in Hollywood, as Erin’s experience as a talent agent ).
It was inspiring and nervousness didn’t take total grip …. so listen to this little podcast to hear the stunning Erin have her say on Women in the Sci-fi Genre today!