Episode # 5 Tuesday the 4th of February 2014.
Returning in the studio at Joy 94.9 for tonight’s show is Andy Hawken for Behind The Mask as he delves into those Queers in the Comicsverse of Marvel and DC comics.. so who is currently in the lead for best LGBTIQ characters and inclusiveness? Find out by listening to the podcasted episode…hmm maybe it is those young darlings in tights: The Young Avengers?
And also in the studio is Lisa Sinclair and The Couch looking at the very exciting ‘reboot’ sequel(?) of Carl Sagan’s COSMOS coming soon to television in March ! We adore the new scientist helming Cosmos: Neil deGrasse Tyson, cos there is so much to LOVE about this geekie and inspiring scientist indeed!
Also The Squeamer spoke briefly to a doctor..Dr # 5 : Peter Davison from Dr Who ! What goes on there? There is only one way to find out ..LISTEN to the PODCAST!
This podcast also includes more marvelous Aussie music from a soundtrack by Simon Eddy for the film: Wakey Wakey by Adrian Goodman , and this film will be featured in a special Women In Horror Recognition Month event held here in Melbourne Town on Feb 13 DETAILS click HERE !
Lisa Sinclair website HERE The Couch HERE for Podcasts
Behind The Mask HERE for Podcasts
WAKEY WAKEY film by Adrian Goodman HERE
Simon Eddy HERE and his music on the Wakey Wakey soundtrack
Women In Horror Recognition Month 2014
Women In Horror Recognition Month website HERE
And NEXT WEEK we do this………Women In Horror In the Joy studio Feb 11th 2014 10-11pm AEDST :