In the studio The Squeamer chats to Dr Emma Beddows as part of GeekGirlSpeak! which was part of our May 2014 look and discussions about being a Lady of the Nerd! Finally this is podcasted, this special chat with the TRANSMEDIA and POP-Culture professional about all things Nerdie and about women and girls in the Genre Worlds.
Left to Right : Joss Whedon, Dr Emma Beddows (centre screen), Pony Friend and Buffy at the controls!
So how do females feel connected to and within geek culture? What experiences have we had as geek women ? And what can we do about transforming ourselves to be Equal? Misogyny? Sexism? Feminism? Sci-Fi ?….and WHO or WHAT inspires Dr Beddows?
There is ONLY one way to FIND OUT all this and more….and that is to LISTEN to this PODCAST !
“…you want to feel connected…you want to feel relevant to the things around you..that you are a participant in the goings ons, in the activities around you, and that is precisely what you are..:
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Dr Emma Beddow’s article in Home Brew Vampire Bullets
The Dr and The Future of Storytelling and Transmedia: