In a league of his own is a man called Garth Jones who The Squeamer spoke to recently.
Garth is the force behind something called: Home Brew Vampire Bullets, described as : ‘..a juicy quarterly slab of dagger sharp Australian pulp storytelling…a..
honed dagger sharp by a degenerate crew of storyslingers with a love of all things cult, ZERO features tales from the depraved …’
BIO on Garth :
‘By night, Garth is general brains trust, Art Director and talent wrangler for Australian pulp narrative anthology ‘Home Brew Vampire Bullets’, to which he also contributes illustration, articles and shameless over promotion.’
With such an anthology as Home Brew Vampire Bullets released onto the world by Garth and his cohorts last year , it is no surprise, with such success already attained, that he would want to do another, a number 2 which is due for launching in March 2014 !
Garth spoke to Sci-fi and Squeam’s The Squeamer on all topics, not just his comics anthology, but on the Australian aesthetic, which gives this venture a unique flavour in local comics and graphic book style, to his passion for music and the punk scene in Melbourne, Ozploitation movies from the 70′s and 80′s, Dogs in Space, RazorBack etc…and also his experiences living in Broken Hill, Mad Max, and his move from the burnished landscape of the country to Melbourne’s artistic urban soul environment …he spoke of how he wants to make HBVB to include more ” stronger related gender pieces”, and who he considers to be his most inspirational icon in the genres of comics and graphic novels…so who could that be?
Well Tune into this Podcast , the Full Interview with creator Garth Jones to find out !
And the ICON Garth Jones admires heaps !
Link here to Beardy and The Geek with some HBVB content
Here you can see there is so much more to Garth Jones